Did NOT attend booked appointments
Please cancel your appointment if it is no longer needed, as these can be offered to others. We had an
Please cancel your appointment if it is no longer needed, as these can be offered to others. We had an
The MSK Matters website, available to #Dorset residents, has been reviewed by a local physiotherapist and GP clinical lead and
Our dispensary are having an increasing number of calls requesting medication over the telephone. Please can we remind our patients
One organ donor could save or transform up to nine lives. Register your organ donation decision online or use the
Looking after your mental health. There are little things we can all do to help look after our mental health. Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.
We would like to share with you a well thought through booklet for carers, created by Jennifer Evans in association
The Men ACWY vaccine helps protect against serious infections like meningitis and septicaemia.It is offered routinely in school Years 9
Please DO NOT call or visit the surgery if you have life threatening emergencies Please call 999 if you have
If something in your body doesn’t feel right, talk to your doctor. Most people who go for tests find out it’s not cancer.
The following document lists a number of information, self-help, or self-referral websites locally & nationally to help provide advice, support