Barton House Medical Practice Clinics

Chronic disease management for:

  • Asthma 
  • Coronary heart disease (CHD)
  • Chronic obstruction pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Diabetes
  • Stroke/TIA

Other Services Offered at the Practice

The following services are carried by our GP’s, ANP, Practice Nurses or our HCA’s. We will arrange an appointment if appropriate with the most appropriate member of our very experienced team.

  • Blood pressure check: If you are worried about your blood pressure, please contact the surgery or visit a local pharmacy. You can also buy Home Blood Pressure machines in some pharmacies and on Amazon. 
  • Blood tests/Phlebotomy: Blood tests have a wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical test and usually involves taking a blood sample from a blood vessel in your arm.
  • Cervical screeningThe NHS will invite patients eligible for a cervical screening test, these will be booked in with our practice nurse. 
  • Child health assessment: Post natal and six week baby checks are done by appointment with your GP, once the baby is registered at the practice. Other development arrangements are made with your health visitor.
  • Child immunisations: If you require information regarding child immunisations, please speak to your health visitor or one of our practice nurses.
  • Compressions: Compressions uses controlled pressure to increase blood flow in your legs and improve blood flow to the heart. At the same time, it supports your veins and decreases swelling. These are carried out by one of our practice nurses
  • Doppler study: A Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive test that can be used to estimate the blood flow through your blood vessels by bouncing high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) off circulating red blood cells.
  • Dressings/Wound Care: Chronic and acute wounds require the attention of experts equipped with the skills to monitor and assess wounds effectively while simultaneously educating patients on at-home wound care best practices.
  • ECG/ 24-hour ECG : An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a simple test that can be used to check your heart’s rhythm and electrical activity.
  • Ear Check: These are with one of our practice nurse.
  • Injections: We offer the following injections, B12, Depo , Prolia, Prostap, Zoladex, Please let the receptionist know the injection you require and if appropriate we will arrange an appointment with one of our practice nurses or HCA’s
  • INR’s: An INR test measures the time for the blood to clot
  • Learning Disability Health Reviews: An annual health check for anyone over the age of 14 with a learning disability can help you stay well by talking to nurse about your health and finding any problems early, so they can be sorted out.
  • Leg Ulcer clinic: Leg ulcers are non-healing wounds on the lower leg which have lasted more than 6 weeks
  • Minor surgery: Carried out by prior arrangement with your doctor
  • MRSA Swabs: MRSA is a type of bacteria that’s resistant to several widely used antibiotics. This means infections with MRSA can be harder to treat than other bacterial infections If you need to go into hospital and it’s likely you’ll be staying overnight, you may have a simple screening test to check your skin for MRSA before you are admitted.
  • Staple/Suture Removal: Our nurses are able to remove staples or sutures from healing wounds
  • Vaccinations: Pneumonia Vaccination Men ACWY Vaccine, Seasonal Influenza Vaccine, Whooping Cough
  • Urinalysis: A urinalysis is a test of your urine. It’s used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes.

Other Services Available for our Patients

  • Family Planning – by the family planning nurse and doctors, advice and contraceptive service including emergency contraception and cap fitting. Coil fittings are referred to the Family Planning clinic.
  • Smokestop – patients who wish to stop will be encouraged and supported by Livewell Dorset at or speak to your local pharmacy who may offer this service

Travelling Abroad

Prior to travelling please allow as much time as possible to arrange your appointment for the Travel Clinic. As a practice we do not offer travel vaccination clinics but further information & advice can be found at

Healthy Travel Leaflet – You may find the following leaflet helpful when making your travel arrangements.

Useful Links