Dementia Services

t is very important that anyone who has problems with their memory has a proper assessment.  If these problems are due to dementia then early diagnosis and referral has many benefits for the patient, their carer(s) and family.  It can help them to plan and access the treatment and support they need and to improve their quality of life.

If you are having memory problems, please book an appointment with our ANP or one of the GPs, who can make an initial assessment and refer you to the Memory Clinic if required.

Dorset HealthCare, Our Dorset, Help & Care and Age UK launched the new dementia services pathway on 1 April 2021. The Alzheimer’s Society Memory Support and Advisory Service (Memory Gateway) ceased on 31 March 2021.

Following the recent dementia services review, a number of new services will be provided, and existing services will offer increased support for people with dementia as well as their families and carers.

Dementia services include:

  • memory assessment service (DHC) – for the assessment of memory problems and diagnosis of dementia. This will now include dedicated neuropsychology for more complex diagnoses. In addition, this service will offer emotional wellbeing courses for carers.
  • dementia co-ordinators (Help & Care) – providing post-diagnostic support for people with a diagnosis of dementia, and their families and carers. This will include a dedicated Early Onset (younger) Dementia provision, as well as Dementia Roadshows offering information on dementia to local people and agencies.
  • cognitive stimulation therapy (Age UK) – an evidence-based therapy for people with a diagnosis of dementia (any sub type).

All new referrals for an assessment and diagnosis of memory problems (possible dementia) for people aged over 18 will now be made directly to the memory assessment service (MAS).

Memory assessment service flowchart

Memory assessment service information leaflet 

Please note to refer to MAS you must be:

  • a registered professional
  • ruled out any other mental or physical health cause for the cognition change
  • able to provide comprehensive blood test results dated within the last six months.

Further information can be found at Memory Assessment Service (MAS)